Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance

Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance
Escape to a romantic period where love endured, grew, and flourished despite a Civil War.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Announcement

Signing two more novel contracts with Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc. Southern Superstitions will release January 15 and Whispering Cypress August 15 of 2012. LAST RESORT releases July 15 this summer just in time for a great beach read :)

LAST RESORT is set in Bridal Wreath, Florida, a fictional town, Key West, Florida, and the Panhandle. Faith Grace Roussell vows to hide her heart so deeply in Christ that to find her, a man will have to find Him first, but will the true hidden treasures in God's Word be enough when she collides with Matt Allen? Faith is stalked and forced to search her conflicted heart. In a battle of love, loss, and raging jealousy, she strives to build a new life with peace and contentment, but Matt Allen has eyes like magnets she could get as lost in as unknown woods. Will he prove to be a helpmate or just another strawberry cull? She's pursued by an ex-fiancé, shattered dreams, an awesome God, and a cowboy farmer. There's only one place she can turn . . . .There's only one last resort.

Faith left the city to return to the country home where she grew up, but someone wants her to pack bags, not berries. A series of incidents take place to try to force her to leave. When she doesn't budge, arson, attempted murder, and murder kept the reader turning pages.

What early Readers Had to Say...

"B. J. Robinson's Last Resort is an inspirational romantic suspense story that keeps you hanging on the edge of your seat -- both to see if the villain is overcome and to see if Matt and Faith end up together. You don't want to miss this one with its twists; it's a great read!"
Deb Haggerty, Author and Speaker

"The warm, sweet romance, yet insightful story, will touch your heart with its simplicity and charm."
Janet Perez Eckles, Author and Speaker

LAST RESORT, a sensational strawberry romantic suspense story, will be on sale as of July 15 at

Desert Breeze Publishing.

or Amazon and Barnes &

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