Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance

Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance
Escape to a romantic period where love endured, grew, and flourished despite a Civil War.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Own Thin Place: Thin Places Contest

". . . and the dead in Christ will rise first: After that, we who are still alive and left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.” 1 Thessalonians verses 4:16-18

She and I stood in the front yard of the old apartment house. Lisa wore a pink jacket, and her sad brown eyes looked directly into mine as she said, "I hope it's not cancer. I don't want to die." That visual image is sealed in my mind as vivid today as it was six years ago when I lost my youngest sister. Bird-like hands clutched a shining gold star with a pearl-head pin. She handed it to me, "I want you to wear this, because every time I see a star, I think of you." When Lisa died, the heavens raged. Storm clouds covered the land and hurricanes blew in from the sea. That year, twelve blustery ones battered America's shores. The last, a storm named Lisa, tiny and non-threatening like her, eventually faded out over land. On September 13, a summons came for Lisa. Sent on a mission, angels ferried another angel home. As I fell to my knees beside my bed and cried, I said a silent prayer, opened my Bible, and discovered my own thin place as the Comforter sent me encouragement. I knew then, that even in death, Jesus rose and hope lived--I'd see my sister again in heaven.

I'd like to invite viewers to join this contest. For more information, go to and don't forget to read the review of Thin Places by Mary DeMuth. Scroll below for the review :).


Andrea said...

Blessings and hugs,

Jessica Kirkland said...

What a moving story. Thanks for sharing your thin place.

B. J. Robinson said...

Thanks, Andrea and Jessica. I'm glad to know my story touches others.

Carma Dutra said...

This is beautiful and a tribute to your faith.


B. J. Robinson said...

Carma, thanks so much for your touching comment.

lollipops said...

I remember you telling me your story about your sister before. Hugs. Thanks for sharing it.

You have a nice blogspot too. Thanks for sharing your link with me.

Mary DeMuth said...

Wow, so beautifully written, such a sad, yet hope filled story. Thanks for sharing it.

B. J. Robinson said...

Mary, thank you so much for your kind words. I value your opinion. Your contest was fun, and I so enjoyed reading your spiritual memoir, Thin Places. As you demonstrate through it, it's when we're stretched our thinnest, that we come closer to God.

Sherrie Ashcraft said...

Barbara, that was a beautiful and moving tribute to your sister. Thanks so much for sharing your own thin place. There are certainly times in life where we sense the nearness of the Lord. I'm going to sign up to follow your blog if I haven't already! Thanks so much for signing up for the Ashberry Lane newsletter. I hope you enjoy it (the few times of the year it comes out!!) And you can follow my blog at

B. J. Robinson said...

Sherrie, thanks so much for your kind words, and I hope you do join to follow my blog. I'll go follow your blog, too, and I look forward to your newsletter.


Unknown said...

I've heard great things about Mary's book. Thank you, Barbara, for sharing your own story of thin places. Blessings...

Therese said...

Barb, I didn't know about your sister. I'm so sorry. Thanks for pointing me to your post.

B. J. Robinson said...

Therese, thanks for your kind words. I lost her in 2004. It was painful and left a heart full of hurt, but God saw me through.

Sharon, Mary's book has many great reviews, and I'm sure you'd enjoy it. I've had many of my own thin places and only wrote about one for the contest.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Appreciated. Barb