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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Word to Write By: Author Devotionals Compiled by Robin Bayne

I have a writing devotional in the book Words to Write By: Author Devotionals, complied by Robin Bayne. The book is full of devotionals for writers, and I've found it very inspiring. It motivates me to continue my writing journey for the Lord.

Five chapters and 168 pages of inspiration encourage writers and include Encouragement and Motivation, Persistence and Rejections, Publishing and Networking, Success and Sustenance, and Write for Him. I read this nonfiction book while I waited for my husband at the hospital on October 22, 2008. He had to have tests, and I read and prayed. God answered my prayers, and He was fine.

The book includes a variety of well-known authors, and they share favorite scriptures and quotations they find inspiring for writing. My devotional is titled "Why Write When You Keep Getting Rejections?"It describes my experience of receiving the best rejection letter ever. Despite the fact that my writing and characters were praised, the novel was still rejected. It didn't fit in with their line.

I'm still writing for Him, and in His perfect timing, His will, not mine, my work will find a home and an audience. I am the daughter of the King. My Prince has come, and He is not fiction.


Dolores Ayotte said...

Barb...I could really relate to this post. I too, know rejection but I fully agree with you. The timing is not according to our will but rather God's Will. I'm sure He has plans for us both. :)

B. J. Robinson said...

Dolores, I believe He has plans for us, too. Thanks. I wrote a devotional that was published in this book about rejections :)