Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance

Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance
Escape to a romantic period where love endured, grew, and flourished despite a Civil War.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

God's Love is Grander than the Grand Canyon

This is a poem I wrote about Summer Vacation of 2007 when we visited my daughter who lives in Las Vegas. God not only blessed us to visit her, but He also allowed us to visit the beautiful Grand Canyon. When I looked at its immense expanse, I thought of God and all His glory. I got home and penned the following poem.

God’s word is as wide and deep and great as the Grand Canyon He made.
His love flows like a Niagara Falls waterfall.
His light shines like a Key West sunrise.
His love sparkles more than all the lights in Las Vegas.
But His love is true and steady, instead of glittering and flickering false hope.
Nothing is more grand than our own Lord, not even the Grand Canyon He personally created!
Like an expansive canyon view, or an ocean-front view, His love spreads and expands throughout all eternity with no end in sight.
All you have to do is invite Him in as your personal Lord and master, trust Him, and He will be your guiding light, outshining the glitter of Hollywood and Vegas,
For, God's love is grander than the Grand Canyon he created.


B. J. Brooks said...

Hi Barbara. I saw your post on Kristy Dyke's web site and wanted to tell you that we share the same name.

I write under the name B.J. Brooks, but last year I married into the Robinson family, so I am now Barbara J.(Jean)Robinson. (I used to belong to ACFW and loved all the ladies,they were a big help to me.)

Check out my blog,
Audrey's Window.

Many Blessings
B.J. Brooks

B. J. Robinson said...

Hi B. J.

I visited and left a message on your blog. We also share being a Virgo :), as well as our name and initials. Small world, isn't it? Thanks for dropping in and leaving me a comment. I love my ACFW critique group. I check Kristy's blog on a daily basis and pray for her. Her blog demonstrates love and passion for God.
