Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance

Amazon Best-selling Historical Romance
Escape to a romantic period where love endured, grew, and flourished despite a Civil War.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I spent this morning putting the finishing touches on an article about POD publishing to appear in Christian Fiction Online Magazine in March at I enjoyed working on this article, and it allowed me to realize how far I've come on my writing journey during the past year. Anyone with questions about POD publishing should be sure to read the article. Two successful POD authors recount their reasons for choosing POD instead of traditional publishing. They are both talented authors and gifted speakers, so don't miss what they have to say. I'm working on a full-length novel and having fun with revisions and word play. During Thanksgiving break, I was able to make some headway on the book, and I hope to send out proposals soon. My first three chapters are ready to go, but I have to write the synopsis. Stay tuned to see what happens! Reflecting upon past publishing experiences, I look at writing from years before and cringe. This site allows one to see where I started and how far I've come along the writing road. It's been bumpy, like an emotional roller coaster ride, but it's one I wouldn't have missed for the world. I'm honing my craft and having fun doing it.

In His service,

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